Sunday, March 16, 2014

Week One DOWN!

Our first full week of OIT was great!  Despite a few hiccups,  Molly is tolerating her dosing very well. Occasionally she has some stomach discomfort but have found making sure she eats well prior to dosing really helps.  In the middle of the week, she spiked a fever with a stomach ache and became lethargic.  I called Dallas Allergy and Asthma to update them of the situation.  As usual, they responded quickly and with concern.  Dr. Sugerman was not available, but Dr. Wasserman was on-call.  For 2 doses, we dropped her dosing down by half.  If her fever continued, I was to call back for further instuctions, if her fever stopped, I was to increase her dose back to normal.  Luckily Molly was fine the next day and was able to go to ComicCon in Indianapolis with her dad and sisters.  We will updose again this Friday before we take a mini-vacation to SanAntonio!

Matt, Molly, Sophia, and Gabrielle dressed
as the Powerpuff Girls and the Professor

Saturday, March 8, 2014

And so it begins, a food allergy champion in the making!

The past week has been, well, amazing for Molly Rose.  Molly began OIT on Thursday, March 6th.  LIFE CHANGING EVENT! 
We started the day with our awesome RT, Amanda, checking Molly's vitals and making sure we were prepared and ready to start.  Then, the physician's assistant came to check Molly out and answer any last minute questions that we had.  Then, Molly went to big room where OIT is given (it's a room filled with a TV, reclines, table and chairs and games to make the kids and families feel more welcomed and relaxed.)  Amanda gave the dosing schedule to Molly so we could keep track thought the day.  The above pictures are Molly's Magic Potions (aka OIT solutions- peanut, walnut, and cashew flours diluted in different flavors of koolaid.)  Molly began her dosing, every 15 minutes and up-dosing every 30 minutes.  During this time she played games on her Kindle, read a book, had some snacks and even worked on her math homework!

The first day of OIT took about 8 hours.  Molly was a ROCKSTAR patient!  She tolerated all of the dosing well with the exception of our last dose.  Molly had a mild reaction that caused her lips to itch and made her stomach hurt.  Molly isn't much of a complainer so she didn't say anything to me until I asked her if she was okay (something we had to talk about, during OIT you have to tell an adult if ANYTHING is different than normal, ANYTHING!!). The staff at Dallas Allergy and Immunology were totally on top of the reaction.  Immediately getting the physician's assistant, checking vitals, asking questions and getting emergency medication orders ready just in case the reaction progressed.  Thankfully it did not.

The physician's assistant decided it would be best if Molly's dose dropped back a dose.  That is the dose we came home on. 

Since we live so far away (Indiana and the OIT program is in Dallas, TX) we won't be back for at least two weeks.  Dallas Allergy and Immunology made sure we have plenty of solution for dosing at home.  They sent us with the bottles in a Thermal bag with cool packs and a letter for the TSA for transporting more than 3 ounces of fluid to carry on during our flights back and forth. 

Most importantly, Molly felt safe, secure, and hopeful!