Thursday, August 21, 2014

...and we're back LIVE from the LONE STAR state

We are back- finally!  Sorry it's taken so long to update everyone.  Unfortunately, it took 3 months to get internet service in our new home.  It was a complete nightmare, lots of tears have been shed over internet access and the lack there of- but now it's over and AT&T FINALLY came through.

Molly is doing well with updosing.   We have had only had one set back and it was actually this week.  This week we progressed to eating one whole cashew.  I'm not sure if it was nerves or if she just wasn't ready yet, but the cashew caused her to vomit.  So we tried a 2nd dose and again Molly immediately started vomiting.  After talking to Dr. Sugerman, we decided the best course of action would be to go back a dose, back to the capsules of cashew flour and not the whole nut.  Molly has taken that dose with no issue today so hopefully we are back on the upswing of OIT. 

Molly does not like the taste or texture of nuts.  There is question to what will Molly's limit of nuts be because she will have to eat a certain number of nuts EVERYDAY. EVERYDAY F-O-R-E-V-E-R everyday.  And since she is de-sensitizing to cashew, peanut, and walnut, that means it's just isn't one type of nuts, it's all three.  As of right now, it looks like 4 of each nut *might* be our magic number.  As a mom I'm not sure how I feel about this, because it will still limit what she eats.  She will have protection if she accidentally has a bite of a peanut butter cookie and won't have anaphylaxis, but she won't be able to sit down with a payday bar or eat a piece of pecan pie.  Maybe the later items were just my yearnings for her to have a "normal" life.  I'm not sure they even really matter, because she HATES nuts- the texture, the taste, the smell so she has NO desire to eat a payday bar or pecan pie.  And, at the end of the day, protection against anaphylaxis is our main goal of de-sentization/OIT.  The verdict is still out on what our final nut number will be, and ultimately it will be what Molly can tolerate AND what keeps her safe. 

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